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Track your job search

The job hunt can feel overwhelming, with applications flying out in different directions. An Excel spreadsheet is a simple, yet powerful tool to gain control of the process. By tracking key details about each application, you'll spot patterns, optimize your efforts, and increase your chances of getting that offer.

Setting Up Your Job Search Tracker

Here's a breakdown of essential columns to include in your Excel sheet, and why they matter:

  • Company: Keep track of where you apply.
  • Role: The specific job title you're targeting.
  • Domain: Industry or field of the company.
  • JD Link: Directly link to the job description for easy reference.
  • Required Skills: Highlight the top skills listed in the job description. This helps you tailor your resume.
  • Timeline: Keep track of the main activities, like application date, interview date, decision date etc.
  • Status: Use simple options like "Applied," "Interviewing," "Rejected," etc.
  • Contact: The name of a recruiter or hiring manager, if you find it.
  • Tech Stack: List relevant technologies mentioned in the job ad.
  • Salary Range: Record expected salary (if disclosed) for comparison.
  • Comments: Space for additional notes (interview dates, specific questions, etc.).

Benefits of Tracking Your Job Search

  • Spot Trends: See if you're applying to similar roles and adjust if needed.
  • Stay Focused: Deadlines and the status column keep you accountable.
  • Tailor Your Approach: Easily reference required skills for resume customization.
  • Network Strategically: The contact column aids targeted follow-up.

Additional Tips

  • Conditional Formatting: Use color coding to visually track the status of applications.
  • Pivot Tables: Analyze your data (e.g., most common tech stacks, average salary range, etc.)
  • Link to Resume Copy: After you tailor a resume, save a link of the resume in your spreadsheet.

A simple Excel tracker can transform your job search from chaotic to strategic. As you gather data, you'll gain insights into your process, make informed decisions, and land your dream quality engineering role faster.