📄️ Table of Content
Check out these resources to get ready for technical interview:
📄️ Accessibility testing tools
Several tools are available to assist in conducting accessibility testing of websites, web applications, and digital content. Here are some common accessibility testing tools:
📄️ Agile Test Automation Manifesto
Agile Test Automation Manifesto by John Ferguson Smart
📄️ API Testing
📄️ Automation Concepts
Automation Objective
📄️ Automation Practice Sites:
* Site A practice Web Form by Ambreen Khan
📄️ Coding Interview Practice
* Big O Notation is a tool for evaluating algorithm efficiency.
📄️ Cypress Commands Cheat Sheet
Absolutely! Here's a cheat sheet of essential Cypress testing tool commands, organized into categories for easy reference:
📄️ Cypress Interview Questions
What is Cypress?
📄️ DevOps
What is DevOps Culture?
📄️ Docker
Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and self-sufficient units that encapsulate an application and its dependencies, ensuring consistent behavior across different environments. Docker provides tools and a runtime environment for building, distributing, and running these containers.
📄️ Domain-Driven Design
1. What is Domain-Driven Design (DDD)?
📄️ General Programming
What is the difference between Dynamic typing vs. static typing?
📄️ Github Actions
1. What is GitHub Actions?
📄️ JMeter
What is JMeter?
📄️ JavaScript
* Truthy: Any value that is non-falsy is a truthy value
📄️ Mobile App Testing
Type of testing on mobile devices
📄️ Performace Testing
What is performance testing?
📄️ Puppeteer
Puppeteer is a Node.js library developed by Google that provides a high-level API to control headless browsers (such as Chromium) or full browsers over the DevTools Protocol. Here are some common interview questions about Puppeteer:
📄️ Selenium
Selenium is a widely used tool for web automation and testing, and interviewers often ask questions to assess a candidate's knowledge and skills in using Selenium. Here are some common Selenium interview questions:
📄️ Terminologies
Application Programming Interface