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Job Search Planning Checklist

A successful job search requires a combination of strategic planning and focused action. This checklist will help you break down the process into manageable steps, increasing your efficiency and maximizing your chances of landing the perfect quality engineering role.

  • Define Your Goals

    • Set a target job title
    • Determine timelines (the median job search can take up to 45 days)
    • Set goals for a number of applications per week
  • Focus Your Search

    • Create a list of top 10 companies you're interested in
    • Identify target roles that align with your skills and interests
  • Activate Your Network

    • Identify the number of people to reach out to per week
    • Attend industry events and engage in online communities
  • Optimize Your Online Presence

    • Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and showcases your QA skills
  • Craft a Winning Resume

    • Create a base resume
    • Tailor your resume for each application, highlighting keywords from the job description
  • Prepare for Interviews

    • Practice the STAR method for answering behavioral questions
  • Maintain a Positive Mindset

    • Stay resilient throughout the job search process
    • Don't limit your opportunities – keep an open mind

How to Use:

  • Print this out or copy it into a task management tool.
  • Check off items as you complete them.
  • Revisit and adjust your plan as needed.

Remember, finding the right job takes time and persistence. Use this checklist as your roadmap, stay motivated, and adapt your approach as needed. By following these steps and taking consistent action, you'll position yourself for success in your quality engineering job search.