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React Native Learning Plan

Note: This plan is WIP

Start an Ultralearning Project:

  1. Make a metalearning map
  2. Design drills
  3. Overlearn

Choose an Ultralearning project:

I want to do:

Mobile App Designing using React Native

1. Make an metalearning map

  • Concepts
  • Facts
  • Procedures

What concepts do I need to understand?

Learn ReactNative
Component Design
  • Video Player
  • PDF Viewer
  • Carousels
Learn: How to

What facts do I need to memorize?

What procedures do I need to practice?

  • Learn how to upload an app on Play Store.
  • Learn how to upload an app on Google Play.

2. Design Drills

  • Drill: 1 Color Picker
  • Drill: 2 React Navigation - Tab, Drawer and Stack navigators
  • Drill: 3 Data Flows - FlatList
  • Drill: 4 React Native Canvas
  • Drill: 5 React Native Persistence
    • Local data persistence
    • Redux
  • Drill: 6 Firebase
  • Drill: 7 Authentication
    • Authentication module in Firebase
    • Basics of securing your database
    • Add authentication to app
  • Drill: 8 Video App
  • Drill: 9 PDF Viewer
  • Drill: 10 ECommerce App
  • Drill: Podcast App

3. Overlearning


At the end of my ultralearning project

  • Design an app and upload on Google Play Store & Apple App Store

Learning Resources:



