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Android Developer Plan

Note: This plan is WIP

Metalearning Plan for Android Developer

  • What concepts do I need to understand?
  • What facts do I need to memorize?
  • What procedures do I need to practice?
  • Understanding Basics
    • Understanding App Structure
    • Android Version System
    • Android Studio
    • ADB
    • Gradle build system
    • AndroidManifest file
    • What's an APK
    • What is Android Jetpack
    • Activities
    • Layouts
      • Linear Layout
      • Frame Layout
      • Scroll View
      • Nested layout
      • Constraint Layout
    • Resource files
    • Views
      • EditText
      • TextView
      • ImageView
      • RecyclerView
    • Fragments
    • Activity Life Cycle
  • Navigation
  • Navigation UI
  • Material Design
    • Radio buttons
    • Checkboxes
    • Switches
    • Toggle
    • Chip
    • FAB (Floating Action Button)
  • View Binding
  • View Models
  • Live Data
  • Data Binding
  • Connecting to the internet
  • Data Persistance
  • WorkManager
  • Testing
  • Accessibility
  • App Performance


  • How to apply or change the theme
  • How to add an image to the project
  • How to change the launcher icon of an Android app
  • Navigate from one screen to another in a linear way
  • Using Android’s navigation UI components
    1. Navigate using app top toolbar
    2. Navigate using bottom bar navigation
    3. Navigate using navigation drawer


  • An eCommerce Store
  • Habit Tracker App