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Onboarding - QA Lead

This document serves as a roadmap for your first few months as the new QA Lead, helping you gain a comprehensive understanding of the team, its processes, and the company culture.

Company and Team Introduction:

  • Research the company's background: its mission, values, products/services, and target audience.
  • Gather information about the QA team: its role within the company, size, and structure.

QA Team's Charter:

  • Outline the QA team's purpose, goals, and how it aligns with the company strategy.

Partner Teams + People:

  • List relevant teams with key contacts (e.g., Dev Lead, Product Manager), their roles, and how they interact with QA.

QA Process and Methodology:

  • Identify the existing QA process within the team, including testing phases (unit, integration, etc.) and methodologies used (agile, waterfall, etc.).
  • Review any existing documentation or ask relevant team members to explain the QA workflow.

Tools and Technologies:

  • Create a list of the primary QA tools used by the team (e.g., bug tracking systems, automation frameworks, testing tools).
  • Research each tool's purpose and functionality. Schedule time with team members to get hands-on training or access relevant learning resources.

Communication and Collaboration:

  • Discover the team's communication channels (email, Slack, meetings, etc.) and how information is shared.
  • Identify how the QA team collaborates with developers, product managers, and other stakeholders.

Team Culture:

  • Observe the team's work style and dynamics.
  • Identify the team's core values and how they are reflected in their work.
  • Look for opportunities to participate in team-building activities or social events.

Action Plan for First Month:

  • Set up introductory meetings with key team members and stakeholders.
  • Schedule shadowing sessions to observe existing QA practices.
  • Begin familiarization with the company's tools and technologies.
  • Identify areas for improvement within the QA process or team dynamics (Note: Don't jump to making major changes initially. Focus on understanding the current state).
  • Expectations:
    • 2 Weeks: Understand core testing processes, identify two improvement opportunities.
    • 4 Weeks: Present findings on improvement opportunities to team, begin test case review process.
    • 2 Months: Contribute to development of a new test automation framework, mentor junior QA team members.
  • Project Ideas (prioritized):
    • High Priority: Investigate and implement a new bug tracking system.
    • Medium Priority: Review and update existing automated test scripts.
    • Low Priority: Organize a knowledge-sharing session on best practices for mobile testing.
  • Connecting Projects to Career Growth:
    • Explain how each project contributes to your development as a QA Lead (e.g., leadership, communication, technical skills).

Performance Management:

  • Learn about the company's approach to performance evaluation for QA professionals.
  • Investigate any existing KPIs or metrics used to measure success within the team.

Learning and Development:

  • Explore any existing training programs, mentorship opportunities, or learning resources offered by the company for QA professionals.
  • Consider attending industry conferences or workshops to stay updated on the latest QA trends and best practices.


  • Company website and internal knowledge base (if applicable)
  • Existing team documentation on QA processes
  • Team members (schedule informational meetings)


  • Be an active learner and ask questions.
  • Build relationships with your team members.
  • Demonstrate your leadership skills, but avoid making drastic changes before fully understanding the team.
  • Focus on creating a positive and collaborative work environment.

Additional Tips:

  • Consider creating a separate document with detailed notes from your onboarding experience. This can be a valuable resource for future new team leads.
  • After gaining a solid understanding of the team, revisit this document and modify it to create a more specific onboarding experience for future QA team members you bring on board.

By following these suggestions and actively engaging with the team and company, you'll be well on your way to becoming a successful QA Lead in your new role.