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What's your favourite Mobile App?

First things first, what's your favourite mobile app? Why do you like that app? Let me share my favourite app with you. It's blinkist. This is because I am a bibliophile, yes a book lover. 💙📚💚

Why Mobile Apps Testing? 📱

There are billions of cell phone users around the world and the mobile app industry is thriving. Users are downloading all sorts of apps from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

The mobile users are really impatient and install and uninstall apps very fast. If an app is buggy, compnaies not only lose customers, but it is also damaging for their brand reputation as disappointed users post negative app reviews.

As a result, the demand for quality apps, that meet user expectations and are bug free, is increasing. Guess what? Yes, it opens up tremendous opportunities for testing & quality professionals.

Despite this increasing demand, there are not enough mobile testing professionals available in the market. Do you wonder why? Testing mobile applications presents unique challenges that are never experienced while testing web applications.

Too many device types, O/S versions, screen sizes, network speed, privacy & security requirement, and many other factors are adding complexity to this challenge maze.

Companies who value their business and customers, they need to take mobile app developement & testing very seriously.

There are challenges, but if you invest some time and explore right tools & technologies, you can learn all those skills that will make you a thorough Mobile Testing Professional. A professonal who will always be in high demand and at the same time playing & enjoying with cutting edge mobile technology 😉

What you need to learn?

To get started with your Mobile App Testing & Automation Career. Here is what you need to learn:

  • Basic Concepts about Mobile Apps
  • Understanding Android Technology
  • Understanding iOS Technology
  • Android & iOS How to's
  • Working with Simulators, Emulators and Real devices
  • Mobile Apps Automation
    • Appium
    • WebDriverIO
    • Cucumber
    • SauceLabs
  • Charles Proxy
  • Understanding Recat Native Apps
  • Understanding Flutter Apps