📄️ Introduction
Javascript Mindmap
📄️ Quick Reference
Data Types in JavaScript
📄️ Iteration Methods
Built-in JavaScript methods that help to iterate through an array are called iteration methods or iterators. Let's have a look at the different type of iterators:
📄️ Object
📄️ Rest Parameter and Spread Operator
Rest and spread are powerful syntax additions to the JavaScript language (ES6)and use the three dots (...)
📄️ Destructuring
* Extracting values from data stored in objects and arrays.
📄️ Classes
How to create a class:
📄️ Fetch API
Why use Fetch?
📄️ Asynchronous Javascript
Difference between the Asynchronous and Synchronous Code
📄️ Modules
📄️ Useful Code Snippets (JS)
Create a random number between 1-6
📄️ Browser Compatibility Issues from new ES6 Syntax
The new ES6 syntax has greatly improved readability and efficiency of JavaScript but the ES6 syntax is not supported by most web browsers, so developers often run into browser compatibility issues.
📄️ How to Convert ES6 into ES5 using Babel
Use babel npm package to transpile your ES6 to ES5
📄️ Fixing Code Errors with Linting
What is a Linter?