Writing WebDriver.IO Test

  1. Create a folder for the project
mkdir WebDriverIO-Test

cd WebDriverIO-Test

2. Initialize the project using below command. This will create the package.json file. The -y flag configures package.json with the default values rather than asking us any questions.

npm init –y
  1. Install WebDriver.io by using the command:
npm install --save-dev webdriverio
  1. Install Selenium-Standalone server. It will allow executing a script through the web browser
npm install -g selenium-standalone

selenium-standalone install
  1. Start Selenium Webdriver
selenium-standalone start
  1. Create a file with required test steps (say test.js)

7. Run the file using node.js

node test.js
  1. Running using test runner:

WebDriverIO has its own test runner that is compatible with frameworks such as Mocha, Jasmine or Cucumber. Here are the steps to run the test using WebDriverIO runner:

8.1 Create a config file to run WebdriverIO with the test runner; The config file can be created by running a built-in configuration utility:

./node_modules/.bin/wdio config

8.2 Run the test using wdio config file

./node_modules/.bin/wdio wdio.conf.js


